Thursday, January 30, 2014

I am still here

Rough rough day yesterday. I triggered … no I did not set out to do so… actually started the day before… long friggen cycle… this time around… anger just kept building… then rolling into utter desolation… argh… I realized what was happening… but did not seem to have an option other than to ride it through… then it’s over… or that part of it is anyway… spent most of the night going back and forth between fevers and hot flashes… but hey… I am still here… so obviously I made it through… although I must say… I would love to never go on that particular ride again… humph… well it’s a thought…

Frankly I am glad it is over. Today is a new day… so on with the show… the show being life… a dump truck of cement pieces should be here shortly… the plan is to utilize it to make some pathways… and build up my driveway… probably going to take more than one truckload… but I am only getting one truckload at a time… as it is all hand labor. Dual purpose… walkways… be nice to have something to step on besides slippery slide clay when the ground is wet… will also be quite the strength and endurance building endeavor.

We got a skiff of snow outside… the air is full of moisture… it smells like spring… want to send for some mulberry trees… here is hoping I can get them to grow and keep the hoppers off them… I remember eating mulberries when I was a kid. I also remember smearing in my girlfriend’s little brother’s hair… light blond hair…dark purple berries… I bet her mom was just thrilled with me over that one… yeah… probably not… but it still brings a smile to my face… what can I say…

Breakfast is done… bacon, egg (yes from my girls), summer squash, coffee… saw another purple finch yesterday… beautiful little creatures… just got a call from the cement guy… they are on their way out… should be 20 or 30 minutes. You know it would be pretty nifty to build some raised beds out of that stuff… hmmmmm…. Driveway first… or parts of it any way…

May you walk in peace…

Mary E. Robbins

Cement chunks arrived... 
Having a cuppa coffee... and heading out to the quonset... was going to work out first... oxycise and tai-cheng... but if that storm moves in this afternoon... I'll workout then... after getting the dust and grime washed off me from the quonset... lol.. hmmmm thinking I'll grab a cart load of wood too... might be a good idea... this pic struck a chord with me....

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