Monday, January 27, 2014

Fear not... for...

Good Morning Peeps…
Gratitudes: warm fire in the wood stove… my first cup of coffee for the day… a roof over my head…

Chilly morning here this morning… was 10 degrees F when I ran the dogs out… however the wind is not blowing … at the moment… lol…

Heading out to do ranch rounds… and bring in a cartload or 2 of firewood…

Crazy dream this morning chased me out of bed… I was driving along the side of a raging stream of water… when a washout full of water came up in front of my jeep… couldn’t stop in time…ended up in the wash out and the water shoved the jeep into the flooded stream with me in it… could not get the doors open… as we started being washed down the stream with the rest of the debris… woof… now that’ll wake me up in a hurry… geez…

Thinking I’ll be slowing down on the gravel roads and cross country in my jeep… it was kind of like… pay attention… you can not stop at those speeds… yeah ok… I got the message… if that was the message… might not have anything to do with the jeep… could be related to a conversation that took place yesterday… which I am not going into… and no it was not on facebook… could be just a dream… hmmmmm….

Yes we do have flash floods out here…and washouts… really does not feel like it was about that… thinking it is about consequences of choices… hmmmmm…. Thinking I may already be in the stream… no turning back now… rock on…

There is a scripture that has been running through my mind over and over the past few days… Fear not for I am always with you… whew... I definitely felt the fear in that dream… thinking perhaps … the two are tied together… just let it go… the fear… and hang on cause we are going for a ride… and that ride is called life…

Heading out the door to fill the wood cart… hope the girls (hens) have given an egg or 2…

Oh yeah… and… drum-roll please… I am 42.2 pounds down… 271.6 lbs on the scale this morning…yay!

Later taters…

May you walk in peace…

Mary E. Robbins

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