Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Smile... Smile... Wham... let it go...

Good Morning Peeps!

Chinook wind…
A night’s rest
Hot coffee in the morning

I woke before my alarm went off at 5 a.m. … somewhere around 4:30 to hear the wind blowing through the trees … and frankly the sound filled me with dread… as I thought it was a cold freezing wind… got up came out to let the mastiffs out and start the day… and much to my happy surprise… it was over 40 degrees outside… it was a Chinook wind… yay!

I just had to stand outside for a bit and feel it’s silky warm caress slide around my body as I gazed up into the dark sky and savored the view of the moon and stars…

Yes I usually bebop out the door in whatever I’ve been sleeping in and some flip flops or slippers… hey I live out on a ranch… nearest neighbor is a bit over ½ mile a way… plus it is usually inky dark when I go out in the mornings… there are advantages to living in the boonies… hehehehe….

The wild birds are celebrating in the trees… singing their morning song… the Pominators are outside bouncing around the yards… forecast is for snow then rain later today… could be an “interesting” drive home this evening depending on how much ice freezes on the roads…

Yesterday started out great… unfortunately by afternoon exhaustion and fevers had set in… arraaggghh… I knew I was tired but did not realize how feverish I was until someone complained of the heat in the place… I was freezing cold or rather felt like I was… I turned the heat back down… because It was not going to matter how hot it was in there… I was still going to feel like I was freezing. By the end of the day I was pretty well done in… then wave after wave of emotion swept in as I was trying to drive home… geesh… what a drive that was… the emotion seriously knocked me sideways…

I got home stoked the fire… ran the hairballs out and back in… cleaned up whatever messes they’d made… ate a bit of dinner… sat down in the recliner and programmed in hostages and was immediately asleep… with hostages running in a loop on the tv through the cbs site… I still have not seen the end of the one I was trying to watch… lol… I woke up sometime around midnight… stoked the woodstove again and stumbled on into my bed…

As to what triggered the emotion… geez I don’t know… exhaustion… total fatigue… fevers… frustration… or just life in general… whatever… it triggered… came gushing out like a geyser… beat the snot out of me and dispersed… I kept telling myself to allow myself to feel it… and let it go… as I bawled… sniffled and snotted my way down the road in my pickup truck… it’s a bit like something out of a friggen cartoon… wham bam… let’s explode out of nowhere…

I can just see the wylie coyote walking down the road and wham bam an acme anvil drops on his head… splat… flat… ppphhhhttt…

Well this coyote needs to go out and feed the big dogs before I blast out of here for the day…

Later taters…

May you walk in peace…

Mary E. Robbins

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