Wednesday, December 18, 2013

one day at a time

beautiful sunrise
a bed

Good morning peeps… really trying for this to do list...

Although truth be told it feels like afternoon now… I’ve been up since around 3 a.m. … Woke up with a very busy mind and a massive headache… thankfully the headache is gone… mind is still very busy… mind is ratting around something I can do absolutely nothing about… doesn’t that just figure… I got part of a decision on a stretched out process yesterday… now I am waiting to see what the final outcome is… not knowing is tough enough as this is a determination that is rather important to me. I called today to check on things… to see if there is anything else I need to do… or can do… and there is not. I have done all I can… now it is just waiting for the process to complete.

Hanging in limbo… feels like I’m tied to a fish line suspended over the grand canyon… being swung back and forth… ok which side does she land on … or do we just let go of the line and watch her drop… splat to the bottom… no wonder I woke up at 3 a.m.

It is absolutely pointless to fret about this as there is absolutely nothing I can do about it one way or the other. So… take a breath and get on with the day… the ranch rounds still need to be done… cold weather is still coming in tomorrow… wood still needs to be brought in… laundry still needs to be put away… and so on…

Gonna take a quick bath… and get started… or rather going again… have already washed dishes, took the kindling bags outside, cut my hair, made a number of phone calls that needed to be done… more to do later… must take advantage of the temperatures outside today…

It is overcast… and there was an amazing sunrise this morning… truthfully I could probably use a nap as I am seriously winding down… but the soak in the tub will have to do for now… do not want to wait until this afternoon for the outside stuff in case the wind comes up…

Dropped my coffee cup and shattered it this morning… ah the wonders of nerve damage and reduced reflexes…

Taking it day by day… or rather moment by moment… breath by breath… frankly I will be very glad when Christmas is over…

May you walk in peace…

Mary E. Robbins

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