Saturday, February 15, 2014

go get muddy

Happy Saturday Peeps!

Rainy… snowy… wet…yup that’s here today… mud mud mud baby… mud… 37 degrees F… so what is on the docket for today… hiding inside curled up in a chair… with a tasty book and hot steaming coffee… sounds good doesn’t it… lol… yeah well…

What is actually on the docket is bringing in several cart loads of soggy firewood… mucking about in my stockyard boots trying to not land on my rotund behind…

Did not do breakfast… did brunch instead… 2 eggs… wild rice with bacon and mushrooms… love soft yolked eggs over wild rice… may be adding too many carbs… but feeling better… a half cup of the rice/bacon/muschrooms … so no I did not go overboard… oh yeah and I had ¼ of a grapefruit… and coffee…

After firewood… head up the hill for ranch rounds… feed… check waters… feed the fowl (chickens/ducks) check for cackleberries (eggs) … grab a cart and throw some old straw into the dog runs to give them a break from the melt… their houses are huge so they can get out of it… but some straw outside would help…

If there is anything left… as in energy in me… I would like to fold laundry… scrub out my frig… and wash down the hall walls… oh yeah… and oxycise and tai-cheng… I seriously need… want… to get back into the oxycise and tai-cheng routines… they make a huge difference… physically and mentally…

Changing my perspective… looking forward to… my new adventure… enough of being weak and afraid… for petes sake… I ran my own business, helped to finish raising a family, worked the rail, dropped ballast, switched rail cars, put together consists, actually got to run the engines … no I was not supposed to be doing that… but it was what it was… and I am glad I got to do it… moved cross country… lived in the cities… lived in the country… survived multiple injuries and surgeries… ran long distance… haven’t made a full marathon yet… but have done 15 k and 10k… backpacked… did the university thing… and the list goes on...

Not crowing or bragging… the point is… enough… enough being broken… yes this is me talking to me… and yes life is an ongoing growth break-it-down healing process… time to embrace it… yes there will probably be more crying and screaming… but there will be sunshine… wind… rain… and the rest as well… need the rain for the pastures to grow… need the sun for the flowers to bloom… either one can be… and are …both blessings and curses…

Tried some dunkin donuts whole coffee beans… ground them this morning and made my coffee… not horrible… like French roast better… but not horrid… later taters… gonna go get muddy…

Mary E. Robbins

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