Tuesday, August 06, 2013

I smell coffee...

MMMMM…. I smell coffee! It’s a cinnamon toast and coffee kinda morning.  Busy day ahead…

Got part of my goals from yesterday done… washed up my egg buckets… oh yeah… the girls gave me 6 eggs yesterday… I did get the laundry folded and put away… the rest of the goals got left on the back burner simmering for another day…

meeting with grief counselor went well… we actually chatted for a couple hours… then on the way out to her car I picked up Barron …

I check him daily to see if the flies have gone after him again… this little dog has no sores… feces mess of any kind on him… yet they go after him… yesterday the little buggers had laid about a teaspoon of eggs on him… glad I have his coat cut shorter… I sprayed best yet cedar spray on him and cleaned them off him with a flea comb… takes a comb with that fine of teeth to get the little buggers off… the best yet spray kills the fly eggs. I am so thankful to have found that stuff… cidercide.com makes it.  An added plus is that it does not poison me or the dogs.

No there are no fleas… just in case you are wondering… killed those things off with their products years ago…

I checked every dog… no one else had fly eggs on them…  The air has turned to autumn… and the flies seem almost desperate to get their last bit in. Ugh… of course there are cattle around… walking fly motels… so there are flies around.  The think is they are not thick … and there is usually some wind which keeps them at bay as well… Barron must be putting off some kind of scent… that those things are attracted to …one that I cannot smell… because believe me I’ve tried….   

Ah well … I am thankful that I saw them and relieved him of them… this is a good thing.  

This morning has started out missing my beloved husband… but thankful for the love we shared in this life and continue to share even though he has crossed over… and thankful for the day…

May your day be filled with blessings… and your soul and mind with peace… 

Mary E. Robbins

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