Tuesday, August 20, 2013

do it anyway

Good morning peeps… the sun is shining bright… looks like storms are supposed to roll in by this afternoon… seems it is to be the lightning and thunder show in an afternoon review… the cockatiels are outside enjoying the sunshine… the Pominators are doing their thing in the yards… mastiffs eating breakfast… mow mow tat is stretched out on her pillow under my desk all rolled over on her back with her white belly showing… stretching her arms… one of my absolute favorite sounds in this life … is the sound of a cat purring… yes mow mow tat has a serious purr on her… lol…

Have to be out and about again today for a bit… makes me feel like my head is being shoved under water… ugh… but I’m doing it anyway… take a deep breath… then a step… get in the jeep and make it happen… 

do it anyway.... yes you can...

Mary E. Robbins

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