Saturday, August 17, 2013

Foggy morn...

Good morning peeps… we have a fine heavy fog here this morning… the moisture is dripping off my yard fences… and out of the trees… the Pominators have been out running about in the wet and are back inside ready for some pominator napping… lol…

I love the fog… not a fan of driving in it though… but breathing…ahhhh… wonderful… must go into town this morning… am taking my truck rather than my silver jeep… thinking my blue and silver truck may be a little bit easier to see… need to pick up some chicken feed and it is easier to haul in the truck anyway.

Time is dashing by and it’s going to be a slow drive into town if this fog covers the whole way… who knows… perhaps it does not…

May your minds be filled with peace…

Mary E. Robbins

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