Good Morning Peeps…
April is done and gone… May is just beginning… I am choosing to close the door on April and all the turmoil that boiled through it. Stepping forward into this new month… choosing to believe that today is a good day… Happy May Day…
The sun is shining… yay… the wind is not howling… the post office in Torrington gave me a call this morning… yup that’s right… my baby ducks and geese are here… I did get them set up in the whelping house with straw… water food… heat lamps… dipped all their beaks to get them started in the water… pulled some grass for them… snapped a couple of pics… watching them check out their new surroundings made my heart happy… a couple of the baby ducks were floating in their water pan when I came down to the house…
Ground some coffee… cooked breakfast… Gunsmoke playing in the background… hey what can I say… when I was a little girl my mom and I watched it together… after David retired he and I used to watch it together… who knows perhaps they are both in here watching with me…
Watched the Ring last night… it was supposed to be scary… I suppose it was… but it just looked like a hurt angry spirit acting out to me. It is actually a pretty good movie.
After the past few days I was sure glad to see the sun shining this morning. The tulips along the east fence are looking happy… and the yellow ones that were just buds are close to blooming…
I was really hit and miss with Oxycise and tai-cheng in April… my goal is to get it in at least 5 days a week in May. Want to get my garden in this month as well… and get that surround fence up… the porch sanded… and the mowing caught up… need to keep an eye on that asparagus and hopefully get some picked and frozen for the year… … bit more on the May list… photos this first week… photos of me for trainer… scrub out freezers… read… yes there are a couple of books I’ve been trying to read… I can not see to read the print if I have been upset… so staying active… focusing my energy… painting my way through stressers/triggers will help me to get the books read that I want to dive into…
It is not such an issue with the computer or kindle because I can change the text size… however the books I want to read are print on paper… just is what it is…
want to order a few turkeys for the place… and the freezer…. And possibly some guineas… might do some butcher chickens too… and keep a rooster or 2 … I do like the sound of a crowing rooster first thing in the morning
Think I’ll just do straight run (mixture of boys and girls) and let things sort themselves out… I may change my mind… just kinda thinking…
I do know one thing for sure… when I get up and out first thing in the morning I certainly feel better… I was out and about checking the temps in the brooder before I went after the baby ducks and geese… while I was out I fed the big dogs… checked the feed on all the poms… fed the buff ducks and checked the feed for the muscovies… and fed the chickens…
I heard the rooster pheasant calling this morning while I was out and about…
I did not see my hen Muscovy this morning… I am hoping she is ok … just setting on a nest.
Putting todays list together… take vitamins, firewood in… Oxycise/tai-cheng… wash sheets… check on baby birds… drive some posts … plant some onion sets… unless that wind picks up too much… log food intake… order dog and cat food… pay bills… get those shirts into tubs… and fold up the laundry I’ve been staring at… truthfully I would like to just curl up in a hot tub of water… I am a walking ache this morning… hope the Oxycise and tai-cheng loosens me up and gets rid of some pain…
First up… vitamins… and another cup of coffee…
Mary E. Robbins
Baby Ducks and Geese... first day home...
baby ducks May 2014 |
baby ducks May 1st 2014 |
baby ducks May 1st 2014 |
baby geese May 1st 2014 |
baby geese May 1st 2014 |
baby ducks May 1st 2014 |
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