Sunday, May 04, 2014

Sunday on the high plains

Good Morning Peeps…
It is looking cloudy … foggy this morning… but not real heavy… good morning for working outside… when I finish my coffee that is what I am going to do…
Go drive some steel fence posts… truthfully what I feel like doing is crawling into a hot tub of water and soaking until the muscle and joint pain subsides… however if I do that the day will have heated up by the time I get outside… so the soak will just have to wait until after …
Check on the baby geese and ducks…open up the door so fresh air can circulate through when it warms up…
Water the trees … and plant some onions and other garden veggies…
Feed the poms… and freshen all the waters…
Thinking that is a full day…
Maybe some reading this afternoon… and a soak…
mmmmm… having a sweet treat… an organic medjool date with a hot cup of dark black French roast coffee…
Later taters…

Mary E. Robbins

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