Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 16th 2014 Phhhhttttt...

Hello Peeps…

Moving really slow today… did not sleep well last night woke up hurting after I did get a little sleep. Argh… then it was raining this morning when I got up and let the dogs out… it is not raining now… going outside to do what chores absolutely have to be done… then maybe mess with the tomato plants I bought yesterday…

This morning I stuck my feet up… let Mow Mow Tat out of her kitty condo… and we hung out together… part of the time she was on the top of the back of the recliner just above my head… purring… until she decided to give me a total hair over… as in spread cat hair all over me… she crawled down across my chest… laid there for a while… purring… then slinked on into my lap and rolled over on her back purring… all stretched out… cat hair central… this is not a little cat… lol… truthfully though I was glad for her company… she is a hugable… and her purring always calms me down… Mow Mow Tat is a big black and white cat… we have spent most of the day hanging out together… watching Gunsmoke episodes…

Yesterday’s to do list … did not get done other than the animal care chores that are a daily must… the day got switched around with a meeting in the afternoon… I did fuel the truck… and get tomato plants for the garden and a few flowers… learned a local greenhouse is organic… which makes me happy… after the rest of the fruit trees and shrubs are planted that I have already ordered… I am thinking I may pick up a couple goji berry bushes from there and plant them in the garden… thinking this could be a good thing…

Heading out to put fresh water and feed into the baby ducks and geese… geez I am just tired today… may feel more pep after being outside… at least it has stopped raining… I know it is good for the pastures… but right now I would love to just soak up some sunshine…

Ok… gratitudes from a grumpy woman: coffee… it stopped raining … Mow Mow Tat

I got some news yesterday that really threw me off kilter… not that it changes anything… other than my perception of myself… just something I need to work my way though… I stopped off to see a friend … not home… so I did something I have not done in a long time… I wasted some fuel … and just went for a drive exploring some country roads… I had intended on sharing a drink and a cigar with my friend… but since he was not available… I decided to drive a bit… then came on home and poured myself a shot… and had my cigar … while playing with my dogs and walking about the property… yes I was uber stressed…

Not so stressed today… just… rather… ppphhhhtttt….

So this phhhhtttt…. Woman is going out to take care of those little ducks and geese… because it is a must do for their survival… the tomatoes will be fine sitting in the cab of the truck… or maybe I will did in the dirt a bit… just kinda taking it slow and easy today… tired… really tired of… pppphhhtttt… now there’s the attitude… just ppphhhhtttt….

The cockatiels are telling me to get my act together too… gotta love em… the little nags… and they can nag too… yes the critters keep me moving… breathing… when… pppphhhhtttt….

Later taters…

Mary E. Robbins

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