Yes it’s true… picking that field of asparagus kicked my behind… serious butt scuffing all day yesterday… as in dragging my butt on the ground… too tired to pick it up… not not really that tired but did not get a lot done… stored the asparagus in the frig with a bit of water when I got it in the house… it takes up an entire shelf in the frig… started cleaning out the chest freezer in the Quonset yesterday… got all the water in the bottom of it soaked up… today I will scrub it out and clean up around it… and plug it in … here’s hoping it works… it worked until the plug got knocked out of the outlet… so here’s hoping it restarts.
Kinda overheated picking the asparagus… decided yesterday to make sure I had a place to cool off and pulled the air conditioner out of storage and installed it in the porch window… this is the first year I’ve tried using it there… but that little room really heats up… then it heats up the rest of the house… so we’ll just see what happens… tried running the air conditioner and the washing machine at the same time… well that is a no go… on the same circuit… that’s ok… I’ll just plug one of them into a different circuit when both are needed at the same time. This is an old house so I always protect my outlets by running things through a surge protector with a fuse in it… I seriously do not want to overheat the wiring in the house… rather trip the breaker in the surge protector instead… yeah maybe I am a little paranoid… could be… but I would just as soon not have a wall fire.
The strawberries are growing… the strawberries are growing… yes I am thrilled… lol… the plum trees are leafing out… so cool… and I saw some little leaves coming out on the mulberry trees… Barbie doll trees… lol… the rosa rugosa are setting on leaves too… this just thrills me… tomato plants look pretty good too… need to get the field grass pulled out of my flower beds along the lower yard fence… total body workout… bend pull… lift… dig… yank… swear… repeat… repeat… repeat…
Visited with a friend I’ve known since grade school yesterday… we had not visited in years… was a good to talk… lots of memories stirred… some good some bad… from so many years ago… her voice sounds so much like my stepdaughter’s voice…. This is not a good thing or a bad thing… it just is… truthfully it surprised me…
My house’s windows are just above ground level… and the green chop from cutting down the lower yard has been doing a number on my allergies… argh… friggen soar throat… hack hack hack… ugh… that’s another reason I opted for the airconditioner… to have a break from the allergens… won’t stop it altogether… but will make a bit of a difference with the filters… but hey… I am still breathing…
One small yard and 3 large yards left to mow… then the central open yard needs to be done again… and the driveways… it’s a mow marathon… no not all in one day… that is just too much… then the outside of of the yards… cut a pathway around the hollow… a fire break… ok…yes I am overwhelmed… step back and breathe… I will get done as much as I get done… one day at a time… and try to not step on any snakes in the process…
Saw a beautiful 4 or 5 foot long bullsnake crossing the base of the driveway… such graceful creatures… but I seriously do not want to step on one… good way to get bitten… no they are not venomous… but ouch… for both of us… hey I would bite too if someone stepped on me like that… there was one out here for years that became my friend… I named him Ralph… he/she was huge… 6 or 7 foot long… so beautiful… he wasn’t a pick him up and cuddle him friend… he was a hey I’m here you’re here living together friend… He knew I would not hurt him and the same for me… I came nose to nose with him one time… I was picking up a sheet of bent sheet metal… and as I lifted it up off the ground… there was Ralph… his face about a foot from mine… he/she was under there looking for groceries… we both froze in place for a moment… then went about our business… kinda felt sorry for those mice and voles… they did not have much of a chance… yes they were the groceries…
The 3 baby Muscovey ducks are doing good… living in the pet carrier… cute little fuzzies…
Wish I could get this laundry to fold itself and put itself away… but alas as much as I try… all it will do is just lie there… humph… ok fine… I’ll just do it… but not now… gonna head outside before it heats up… folding laundry is for the heat of the day… not the glory of the morning…
Gonna finish my cuppa coffee and head outside…
Gratitudes: water… 1: so thankful my well has water in it and the pump is working … 2: my truck is working again… the dear friend that fixed it for me… such a wonderful soul and mind… 3: choice… I can chose my perspective…
For instance… be miserable and angry because I was picking the asparagus by myself cutting my hands and overheating as I dripped sweat … or celebrate and revel in the glorious heat of the sun as I picked fresh asparagus to enjoy…knowing that I would have organic asparagus in my freezer for the winter… choice… perspective… yes I started out pissed in that field… and yes my hand is sore with I don’t know how many little cuts … I stopped part way through the field and said wait a minute what are you doing… and chose to be happy… exhausted… but happy… and kinda proud of what I was doing… strange how that works… who’d a thought… hmmmm….
Later taters…
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