Sunday, May 11, 2014

Snowy days in May photos from may 8th and may 11th

Hello Peeps...
Snowy days in May... It snowed on the 8th… and now again today…

Took care of the baby ducks and geese... moved them to a bigger area yesterday... yes they are still inside… they are really growing but not big enough yet to survive the cats… knocked snow off some grass and pulled it for them... gave them fresh water and feed as well… I love to stand back and listen to them... and watch them pick at the grass...

It has been snowing all day... cold... wet snow... will be good moisture for the pasture and asparagus though... feels more like april than may... want to pick up some tomatoes this coming week and set them out under walls of water...

Was supposed to be trimming goat hooves today at a friend’s place… but with this mud and wet we decided to wait…

Gathered up some more of the ripped up plastic off the greenhouse... sure going to be nice to have that done...

Gunsmoke is playing in the background… season 3 … not doing much outside today… gonna fold that laundry I’ve been ignoring and do some mending…

Just finished lunch… sausage and okra… and some tangy tangerine…

Kinda wondering just how wet this season is going to be… 

Mary E. Robbins

my yard may 8th 2014

may 8th 2014

may 8th 2014

may 8th 2014

May 11th 2014

May 11th 2014

May 11th 2014

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