Sunday, June 28, 2015

November 24 2014

Hello Peeps…

Happy Thanksgiving… kind of surprised I am actually able to say that and mean it… lots of conflicting emotions … have been flying around…

Thanksgiving was a big deal for David and I… he would have loved the menu today… even though it is not a traditional thanksgiving menu… put some beef ribs with mushrooms and onion in the oven early this morning… cooking slowly all day… some white button mushrooms and some baby bellas… the aroma is wonderful…

I did make cranberry sauce/relish… cranberries… honey… water… a whole orange… rind included and walnuts… cooked it this morning… have it in the frig cooling it is best served cold and after sitting for hours… or days…

Want to bake some cornbread… yes gluten free… organic… and some pecan tassies... at least that is the plan… thinking maybe some greens would be good to go along with dinner as well… or maybe not… lol… don’t know…

Had a wonderful soak this morning… love the scent of lavender oil… yes I had some in my tub… happy that I made it into the tub and was able to enjoy the hot soak…

This morning was a beautiful gift… there must have been a fog late last night or early this morning… because when I went outside there was a winter wonderland… totally calm… wonderful… no wind… and hoar frost on the fences… trees… and so on… with mists off in the distance… some blue sky showing through the clouds… beautiful morning… wild birds singing… other than that…quiet and calm… even my geese were quiet… wonderful…

Gratitudes: the scent of beef and portabellas cooking… lavender oil… beautiful morning…

Later taters… gonna try to make that cornbread… using coconut flour for the first time with the cornmeal…

Mary E. Robbins

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