Sunday, June 28, 2015

September 26 2014 cedar oil and wasps...

Ok... well I smell like I've been showering in cedar oil... ummmmm... because I have... well there's a little weirdness for ya... actually I use a cedar oil as an insecticide... is where I get it... today a wasp made a fatal mistake...

little bugger got me in the back of the leg through my compression pants... argh... I did not realize it had landed on me and I bent my knee and lifted my leg up to step over some stuff in the quonset and it nailed me...

I do not react well to wasp stings... it rapidly swelled up on the back of my leg about the size of the palm of my hand... I put bentonite mixed with apple cider vinegar and water on it... and let it dry... and draw... did this about 3 times... it is now about the size of a dime... and there are many many less wasps around...

I usually have a fair wasp population... but then I usually spray cedarcide once or twice a summer... to keeps fleas and ticks and such away... I did not do this last year or this year... and my wasp population exploded... I am sure there are still some around... but the ones around the house are ... deceased... I can be a little vindictive... stinging me was a very bad idea.... I killed several hundred just around the house... I know... sounds like an exaggeration... but it's not... that is actually a little scary... and I am not afraid of wasps... they do not usually sting me...

for most of them I waited until dark... made a strong solution of pco choice (a cedarcide product) poured it into a water cannon (big squirt gun) and sprayed them with it... I really did not want to have to climb up on the roof to deal with live wasps under my upper eaves...thankfully I could reach up there with the water cannon... there were 7 or 8 medium to large wasp nests up there... and under the lower eaves...

they must have just hatched out today... because there sure weren't that many around yesterday... geez... wasp central... I do not like killing these creatures off but this was way too many to be safe for me ... for anyone that was to come here... or my dogs and goats... so... some poor garden spiders were innocent casualties of war as well... two cream colored ones and a darkish brown colored one... they were huge as well... I don't usually bother them as long as they are outside but I sprayed the outside of the house with the cedar spray...

it was like... ouch... oh really... bad idea buzz ball... wasp killer on the prowl... dead wasps everywhere... gotta love cedar oil...

Mary E. Robbins

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