Sunday, June 28, 2015

December 3 2014

Good Morning Peeps…

Breakfast is done… eggs… squash… bacon… coffee… cacao nibs and honey… the cockatiels are sitting out on the porch… yes it’s heated… there is a larger window there and they are enjoying the morning light… singing… or screeching… depending on your point of view… along with the wild birds outside…

Woke up in the dark of the night… with the guineas screaming alarm… and the labs barking… then I heard the intruder’s voice… an owl was hunting… it is more than likely that there is now one less guinea living this morning… part of the flock of guineas roost in the trees…

Saw a couple more beautiful predators day before yesterday… they had been hunting… or were hunting over the prairie dog towns … beautiful young bald or a golden eagle… I have a tough time telling them apart until the young balds develop the white head… anyway this beautiful eagle glided in low over my yards… amazing wingspan…

Mary E. Robbins

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