Sunday, June 28, 2015

October 28th 2014

got the potatoes dug and in storage... sorted my tomatoes again this week... 12 more quart washed cut and frozen... pulled and dug all my beets and onions yesterday... processing beet greens and sorting beets today... oh yeah... and got straw into most of the animal housing... I am a bit nattered... and muscle sore... but still moving... albeit slowly...

saw the kittens in the chicken house yesterday.... cute little fuzzies... their eyes are open... was concerned that they were out from under their house... but they went back inside and did not venture past the gate in front of their house... their mom is wild so moving them is really not an option... well not with keeping their mom with them...

goats are out grazing... froze here last night... not horribly though... glad the ground is still warm...

made it through the anniversary... worked myself to exhaustion yesterday... trying to push farther and farther without injuring myself... I will be so very glad to get the rest of this fat off... and very thankful for epsom salts in the bath tub... can we say sore muscles...

ok... gotta get back with it... or I will not get those beets done...

later taters...

Mary E. Robbins

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