right now... it is argh! Went out several times today... taking water to the animals... feeding those that needed feed... making sure everyone had food... wore David's insulated bib overalls to go out in... and his winter coat... thankful I fit into them... mine are so big on me now that I trip over them... happy and sad both... I know David would want me to wear them... he was that kind of man... sad that he is not here to wear them himself...
I remember 20 plus years ago when we had just met and were working together on the railroad... he got it into his head that I did not have a warm enough coat on as we were outside working on the train and he insisted that I wear a parka that he had with him... he used to carry so much stuff with him on the train... experience had taught him that you could get stuck out there for a very long time...
I wouldn't trade our time together... but there is a very high cost for that kind of relationship... when one dies before the other... it will be 2 years Christmas night that he died... you don't get over it... you learn to function in a new reality... one that has a gaping hole in it where that person was... not a bid for sympathy... it is what is is... yeah... wearing his bibs and coat brought me warmth ... and some tears as well... and some good memories... all mixed in together... sucks that he is not here... yes I know I am being selfish... I can see his eyes sparkling and smiling back at me...
Saw a purple finch on the bird feeder today... several of them... there are a lot of birds here... I keep feed out for them and fresh water... and over the years the winter bird population has increased and increased... I woke to a bird concert early this morning... love that sound... so many voices greeting the morning...
for the most part I am in for the night... other than letting the house dogs out and making sure they get back inside...
dinner is done... coffee... and homemade smoked pork hock ... mixed dry bean... tomato onion... and mixed veggie soup that was cooked overnight in the crock pot... had it for lunch and dinner... and put the rest in the frig... hot soup on a cold day... and it tasted good...
did some sewing today... patching actually... putting patches on an old pair of insulated bibs I used to be able to wear over 20 years ago... they are not as heavy as the one's of Davids and will be good for working in this winter... plus they are old and worn and softer... don't have any denim in their color so they are faded brown bibs with faded black denim patches... thrills me to be able to fit into them... best use them this winter because by next winter they will be massively too big for me...
have a bit more patching to do on them... want it done tonight... so going to get back with it...
later taters...
gratitudes: sewing machine... crock pot... hot homemade soup...
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