Just got back inside from checking the girls (chickens) for eggs.... none to be had... seems I am down to 2 guineas... had 3 ... one is probably coyote lunch ... they are getting pretty old so perhaps it just dropped from old age... don't know... just know it wasn't on it's roost with the others... fed the girls... the cats... the big dogs... gave all the Pominators up top biscuits... as well as the big dogs... fed the quackers (ducks)... dumped their water tank and refilled it... I do love to listen to them talk...
ran water into the low trough for the chickens so they have fresh water... need to straw the runs and houses... don't know how much of it I'll actually get done before the weather turns really cold... it was one of those 2 people jobs... and even then it was rather overwhelming... ok... just deal with it... nothing like bawling over straw...
A friend asked me if I’d cut his hair for him tomorrow… I probably shouldn’t work in that straw all day anyway… frankly I don’t know that I actually could anyway… anyway I said ok… also said I can do a buzz cut or a buzz cut… that’s as far as my hair cutting skill on another person goes… then visit a bit and come back home and see what more I can get done here… I’m gonna give it a go… I may or may not make it there… such a simple thing… yet I can feel the anxiety/panic rising in my throat… annoying crap…
Think I have enough anyways in there…. Ha!
Legs are screaming tonight… was painful to get the dogs done… it would be such a blessing to actually have a day without pain… gee wouldn’t that be a thought… aw well it is what it is… at least I am still walking… that in itself is a blessing… I remember what my grandmother’s and my mother’s legs were like… scares the bejeebers out of me at times…
Ran out of time and did not take my vitamins and omega 3’s this morning… whew I can sure tell the difference… miss those omega 3’s and my state of mind takes a definite downswing. Need that stuff (omega 3’s) so my body can make enough serotonin to stay out of depression. Don’t know if I’m just not getting enough in the food I eat… or if it’s stress… just burning it up… probably both… but there is a definite difference when I don’t take them… and it’s not a positive one.
Yeah I know… eat more fish… yeah well… hmmmmm…. I can handle fish up to a point… then… well… hmmmmm… no… I’ll just take the omega 3’s… Used to eat fish 5 to 7 days a week… if I make it once a week now I’m doing good… perhaps that will change in the future… just one step at a time… right now… just gag… literally…
Naughty Miss Molly is barking at the Kitty Trio… geez she is such a nag… and so very proud of herself for it… look ma I told em… I did … I told em… over and over again… naggity nag nag nag… Larry (orange and white tom cat) just looks at her through the fence… he is around twice her size… with razor sharp claws…
Gonna grab me some coffee and go appreciate that moon… then bring the Pominators and mastiffs in for the night… have a small fire going in the wood stove… need to cover some more windows with plastic… that may or may not get done too… the plastic film… not the Pominators… best get another cart of firewood brought in tomorrow… or at least up to the door…
Yeah… my mind is just rambling on… I am looking forward to see what the tat artist comes up with…I gave him the basics of what I wanted… he said he would have a drawing by Monday…
Ok… coffee… moon… Pominators…
Later taters…
Mary E. Robbins
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