Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Good Morning... Good Morning... Good Morning...

Good Morning … Good Morning… Good Morning… running the Pominators and mastiffs out... looks like it's going to be a beautiful day ... putting my to do list together... dog laundry... kitty litter box..ick... ranch rounds... wash dishes... pay bills... be home... yay!

Gonna see if I can get to my chickens' eggs before whatever else is eating them does... nothing but egg shells out there... grrrrrr....

I noticed this morning that my potted pepper plants are still alive... yes they were sitting outside during that storm... oh ... that reminds me... need to remove branches from kennel runs... yup... the big branch in the front yard I'm thinking is going to be there for a while... one bit at a time...

graitudes for today: facebook... as it has given me access to so many dear friends I would otherwise have not had such contact with...

air to breathe... and lungs that are still working... to some degree anyway...

a warm bed to sleep in...

May you walk in peace... no matter what circumstance or event surrounds you...

Mary E. Robbins

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