Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Yesterday was a rage day...

Breakfast… coffee and cinnamon toast. Groomed 2 dogs yesterday… Snickers and Hercules… Snickers is a senior chocolate girl… and Herc is a younger tri-parti male…. Poor Herc picked up on how I was feeling and I scared the daylights out of him… I managed to calm him down and went ahead and pulled his coat and gave him a bit of a trim and a bath… thankfully I managed to do both of them without hurting them.

Yesterday was a rage day. (PTSD) I used to deny it to myself… and try to turn it off… and yes you can turn it off… but all you are actually doing is storing it up… then when it does flow it is like a tsunami… a major tsunami… taking out everything and everyone in it’s path. It’s different than anger… anger is hot and flares like a fire jumping at dry kindling… for me rage is cold… soothingly cool actually… calculating… operating in a logic stream… You know writing some short story… or longer… hehehehehe… murder mysteries might be a good venue as an outlet for this… hmmmmm…. Perhaps from the murderer’s perspective… catch me… catch me … catch me if you can… a taste of revenge… a silken thread…

Hmmmm…. Do you suppose I could weave a web of intrigue and have it flow in prose… perhaps… perhaps… yet nobody knows… write the words and see them flow… characters dance to life and

If this is to happen it will have to wait… as there is a dog waiting … sitting in a crate waiting to have her coat pulled and a bath… Have already done Squeaker Boy… now on to Monkey Bone…

Freshened the girls (Hens) water trough already… watched the guineas play about it for a moment or two… snagged a fresh egg for Puss Kat… Heard cicadas last night… love the sound… a herald of autumn… 

Autumn is my favorite season… as the air cools the mornings become crisp the veil thins and the whispers of spirits flow through the autumn winds… the crone begins her winter’s dance… pumpkins ripen… the last cutting of alfalfa is down and put away… the night skies seem to become brighter with the cooler air… stars proudly shining through the velvet black… the moon challenging their brightness reveling in her glory shading the velvet black into a deep navy blue…

Ok… back to work… refilling my coffee cup and getting started on Monkey Bone… yes her name comes from the movie… she was one of my mother’s dogs… don’t remember what her original name was… but I watched that movie and when I saw her Mooonnnnkkkkeeeyyy Bone… started sing songing through my mind and out of my mouth… and she has been monkey bone ever since… she was a solid shiny black… love black animals… so beautiful… age has frosted her face with white… and slowed her dance… she is elderly now and her pace is as such… My friend Monkey Bone is past the autumn of her life and in the winter… I will miss her when she crosses the veil and leaves this life… but for now she is with me… hanging out with her lifetime friend and mate… Squeaker Boy… his bright oranges and reds have been tempered about his face with a shading of white as well… as he is walking through the winter of his life as well…

Ok… Ok… coffee… and grooming… later taters…

Mary E. Robbins

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