Sunday, July 14, 2013

Good Morning Peeps... Swelled legs... a hair storm... and memories

Good Morning Peeps... cloudy and overcast here this morning... taking advantage of the cooler temps... missing services... and pulling dog coats... got 2 more done yesterday... Earnie and Sunny Boy... coats pulled, trimmed, and bathed...

blew off taking cinnamon and cayenne for a couple of days... geez... I don't know how that stuff works but even with the compression pants my ankle and calf on my left leg was twice the size... ugh... ok.... taking cayenne and cinnamon today... several pounds heavier again... bounce water bounce swelling... bounce... pppphhhhttttt!  Yes I know it's not fat... I haven't eaten enough calories for it to be fat.

Yeouch! this body just hurts today... legs... burning and aching... back ugh... whine whine whine... groggy head ... coffee iv please... friggen face is a swelled puff ball... ah... the wonders of genetics...

Ok... enough venting... gonna have a cup of coffee and a whole grain bagel and get to work pulling those dog coats... literally taking 5 gallon buckets of hair off these dogs... what totally amazes me is that part of these dogs under coats have not released... makes it pretty tough to get them off... not to mention ... ouch ouch ouch... painful for the dog...

They sure are happy little hooters when it's all done ... dancing around after their baths... with much much less hair...

thought I was going to go to early services... but overslept... rather exhausted actually...

the coffee pot perking on a cloudy day always makes me think of Mrs Cline... she has long since crossed over from cancer I believe... she crossed over when I was still in Tulsa at university.  It Wonderful lady... always watched out over me... her boys were red heads and so was I... I worked with her at the Morrill Public Library while I was in high school and part of university. It was a blessing to have known her in this life... she had bright red hair too...

Lifting my coffee mug to Mrs Cline today... here's to cloudy rainy days and perking coffee...

Later taters...

Mary E. Robbins
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P.S.... Just a note about depression...

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