Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Good morning ... I think...

Good morning peeps... not pulling Pom coats this morning... have other commitments for the day. May get some this evening... but truth be told my arms and back need a recovery day.

Farm fresh eggs, brown rice surprise with apple cider vinegar and brewed coffee with cinnamon for breakfast today...

Gonna go take a short soak in an epsom salts bath and get on with the day...

inside of my throat swelled up last night for some reason... probably dry air from the fan... friggen thing does that ... frankly I could do without it happening... kinda took the starch out of me today...

the last thing I feel like is moving about... being active... but that is exactly what I need to do... to feel better... life's little ironies...

Ok... this is me digging in... making the choice... I choose to have a good day no matter the circumstances.... grrrrrrr.... yeah ok... a good day with some growling included... 

Later taters...

Mary E. Robbins
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