Wild roses by the corner of my whelping house dog run... love those flowers...
It's Monday... yup it is... gack... phhhttt... geez there's an attitude ... Actually I'm kind of pissed at myself that I didn't accomplish more last week... sooooo... here comes another week... goals for the week: 1. oxycise 5 times 2. write down what ever is eaten 3. kennel building lined with the tin I have and the window coverings 4. 3 male dogs dna 5. 3 days 20 minutes a day out going mentors calls 5. follow up on calls made after seminar 6. vaccinate puppies 7. organize office 8. 1 pm mtn seminar m-f 7. traffic swarm during seminar 8. schedule draft 9. dog emails 10. update dog website 11. read 20 minutes a day 11. have car serviced 12. buy kennel feed 13. straw dog houses 14. order door stripping for calf hutches 15 shred paper 16. clean office... have the floor cleared 16. get qualified for mentors 17. one additional mentors sale ... keep looking till you find the right match 18. update dog ads... 19. send out group email with the kennel update... 20. get into veretekk... do some training 21. ffsi ... go through website 22. email rose and mike 23. email ritchie 24. brush one pen of dogs.... ok this is a goal to do list... rough draft...
Ok that's all I'm putting on there...
I am listening to the mindset module while I'm writing... didn't sleep much last night and woke up with a nasty attitude... cat came running up to me when I stepped out the door... I about let the big dogs out to get it away from me... poor cat really isn't doing anything ... I'm just pissed at the world this morning... ok... re-adjust attitude... today is a great day... beautiful outside... lots of potential... I am accomplishing much today... I am enjoying the growing and work process... I am getting much accomplished today... my dogs are doing great... Happy Healthy Wealthy and Wise...
What Do I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT?!?!?!?! I want to be able to Sleep While the Wind Blows... That's what I want...
Breakfast: slim fast optima and coffee
Life is a journey... how you react to the scenery is up to you... Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
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