Curly decided to zoom about the lower yard for a bit before zooming back to me … last night when I was bringing the kittens inside… little white cat with it’s tale on full fuzz alert… sticking straight up in the air puffed out as big as she could get it… she zoomed here… she zoomed there… she zoomed back to the kitty kennel… saw her friends were not there and zoomed to me… after she was put in their indoor kitty condo with her sister and brother they all curled up in a ball of sleepy kitties and were off to sleep…
After curley finished up her zooming routine and was safely in her kitty condo I let the mastiffs out of their dog run into the lower yard… they did their perimeter check …. Yes they patrol the perimeter of the lower yard… looking for anything inside or outside of the yard that does not belong there. If something is outside the fence that does not belong there the bark alarm is started… if it’s inside the perimeter… it is just … done. I am not going into details on that… use your own imagination.
I am always on the look out for rattlesnakes and any critter acting inconsistently with what it normally would as I do not want them being bitten by a rattler or something rabid. This is why I wanted the yard fences… not because they are convenient but because I did not want to step out the front door to some critter and surprise it or be bitten… or surprise some range cow with a calf and get stomped.
By the way… if you are out and about where there are baby wild animals… or calves… foals… whatever… leave those baby animals alone. Wild animals should be self explanatory… but every year people disturb fawns (baby deer) baby antelope and so on thinking they are helping when all they have done is take them away from where their mothers have put them while she is grazing.
Bear cubs, cougar cubs, bob cat kittens, wolf pups, coyote pups, skunk kits, …. Baby animals are adorable… leave them be. When you mess with them…you endanger them… and you endanger you. Yes even calves and foals… if those animals… adult animals do not know you… you risk being seriously injured or killed.
Yes even cats and dogs… you are not part of their pride/pack … if you are at someones house and there are puppies or kittens … let the owner hand that puppy or kitten to you… that baby’s mother’s instincts are to protect it’s young…. And you risk being clawed or bitten.
Oh yeah… baby pigs too… make that baby pig scream and it’s mama is coming after you… and not to shake your and in friendship either… soon to be cadaver.
By the way… if you do get clawed bitten or stomped… it is your own fault… they are protecting their young… what would you do if a stranger tried to grab your child… it is the same thing…
For that matter hummingbirds will nuke you if you get too close to their nests… learned that one the hard way… made me very glad I has glasses on… for there was a very pissed off little bird going for my eyes… because I stepped to close to where her nest was… she really surprised me as I did not know her nest was in that lilac… it was at my Pop’s place in Minnesota years back… she never bothered with him… knew he was not a threat… but she did not know me…
Moral of my rant… be respectful of other creatures… if you are out and about and want to see baby animals or take pictures of them when you see them… hey… carry a telephoto lens and take the photo that way…
Ok… done with my baby animal rant…
I was kinda bummed… saw this beautiful little blue speckled egg shattered on my front walk… wind must have flung it out of it’s nest… or another bird switched out the eggs…
There was a full on bird song concert in that evergreen tree last night at dusk… beautiful…
May you have a glorious Saturday…
Mary E. Robbins
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