Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 2: Second Weigh in: Still Trucking

January 15th, 2012 first thing in the morning I went into my pantry, turned on the lights and stared at my scale. I knew that I had recorded what I ate, recorded my calorie expenditures, and should (note the should) have another weight loss for this week.  Even so I was nervous.

I straightened my spine, drew in my abdominals, gritted my teeth and, and, and, stepped on the scale. I made sure I had my feet in position, and then I took my hands off the wall and started balancing the scale. The scale I use has balance weights, and a level bubble in it. I lined up one weight, then started gradually moving the other into position. Watching that bubble all the time. First it was on one side of the lines, and then the other. Finally it lined up exactly in between those lines. There it was my weight for this week. I waited a second or two, not really sure how many, and took a look. 300.5 pounds.

Once again I am celebrating my weight even though it is still over 300 pounds. I am celebrating because I am still on target for my goal of being 100 pounds lighter on December 31st 2012.  I lost 2 pounds this week, 302.5 - 2 = 300.5 pounds.

So far this year I have lost 2 pounds for 2 consecutive weeks for a total of 4 pounds.  Not very dramatic I know. But to tell you the truth I have had about enough of drama. I am not going for the 10 to 15 pounds in a week weight loss only to have my body go into shock and plateau big time, or worse yet bounce right back up. I know the 2 pounds I lost is actually fat loss.

It's not from water loss, or laxatives, or any other stupid trick. That's right I said stupid; and yes I've pulled nearly every one of them in the past. Along with quite a number of strict, and I do mean strict food regimens, otherwise known as diets. I am so done with that crap. That's right I called it crap. I am not going to go any farther down that descriptive road at this time because it will turn into a full on rant, and that is putting it mildly.

What I am doing is eating real food. I am doing my best to make the calories I do eat actually be of value. By of value, I mean full of nutrition. For the most part I am avoiding artificial food products, and empty calories. That does not mean that I don't have a heath mini bar here and there, or coffee with cream, or ice cream, for that matter.  I just make sure I've recorded their calories and have a good nutrient base.

I am taking vitamins and minerals. I really like the P90X vitamin packets Beachbody has. I do recommend them. I also recommend Shakeology from Beachbody.  I do not use it as a meal replacement. I like it as a snack in the morning or afternoon.  I usually have a snack around 10:00 AM and around 3:00 PM.  One of my favorite snacks in the afternoon is an orange and a stick of string cheese.

I also make a point of drinking water. I bought myself 24 ounce  double walled water bottle and fill it at least twice a day. Most of the time it's filled 3 times a day or more, depending on how active I am. The more active I am the more water I drink. That's what I said, water. I usually put a packet of zero calorie, unsweetened electrolytes in at least one of the bottles of water. I am trying to stay away from artificial sweeteners, although I do consume some. I like diet coke now and again. Oh, and no I do not count it as water. Usually when I drink diet coke my body needs even more water than if I had not drank anything at all. Plus, my hands and feet swell up after I've drank it. That can't be good, ya know.

The other thing that I am doing is: wait for it. I bet you know what it is. Ok, here it is. The other thing I am doing is being active. I make a point of getting at least 30 minutes of cardio activity every day. That is my minimum. Most of the time I get considerably more. Just get up and move.

To start with I could barely ride my stationary bike 5 minutes. That's right I said 5 minutes. This morning I rode 3 sets on it. Set number 1 was 33 minutes, set number 2 was 46 minutes, and set number 3 was 45 minutes. I am riding in 30 to 45 minute sets because my feet, backs of my thighs, and butt go to sleep otherwise. I am finding it's more productive for me to break it into sets, then I can ride much longer.

Why so much on the stationary bikes?  No big secret, I want to be able to ride my bike, and actually be able to enjoy it this spring/summer/fall. I have a goal of  being able to ride a century in a day. I aim to do that by this fall. A century is 100 miles in a day.

Later, as in after this year, I'm thinking, I would like to take a vacation and ride in a bicycle tour. There is one in Alaska that caught my eye. Looks like fun.

Well that's it for week two of my quest to be 100 pounds lighter by December 31st 2012. 

Stay tuned in for a healthier lighter me.

Here's hoping that my journey will help other's along the way.

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins

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