Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Really Did IT! :Shakeology is the Real Deal

Day 31 on #100 days challenge I did it! 93min 12 seconds at level 4 on stationary bike.

If you'd told me a month ago I could do this by now... I don't think I would have believed you! I did it... I really did it!

The 100 days challenge that I am doing is to workout, or do some physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes for 100 days.

Yesterday and today I started doing something different in the mornings before I work out. Since I started working out more my appetite has kicked into overdrive. Body looking for fuel and nutrition and all that.

No I have not binged. But I have spent my days hungry. The P90X vitamins made a big difference on how good I was feeling. I can really tell the difference when I take them and when I don't.

Yesterday I had Shakeology for breakfast. I had it in the cupboard and did not want to mess with fixing any thing else so I grabbed it. I noticed that I did not have that knawing hunger all day. I ate yes, but tat knawing hunger has still been there.

Today I grabbed Shakeology again. Usually by this time it feels like someone has kicked me in the stomach I am so hungry. I am a bit hungry but I don't have that gut ache nor the hunger headache.

Truthfully when Beachbody came out with this stuff, I thought yeah right. Yes I had a suck attitude. I'd tried different drink supplements before and usually they left me feeling like crap. So I didn't believe them. Over the past year I've used shakeology on and off but never really paid attention to what was happening.

I had not been very active for over a year, waiting for a huge hernia patch to heal into my abdominal muscles. The first of this year I got the go ahead to get with it working out. So here we go. Other than yesterday and today I have been ravenously hungry. No I am not starving myself, but my body definately needed more nutrition than it could get from the food I have been eating.

I don't know if I would have noticed the difference if I had not been so hungry all month. But I am certainly noticing it now. I didn't eat a mid morning snack, because I was still on the bike working out, and I do not have a hunger headache.

Consider my attitude adjusted... I will be having Shakeology for breakfast tomorrow morning before my workout.

My own negative attitude got in my way. This stuff actually is really good stuff... Ok I believe it now. :)

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.

Mary E. Robbins


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