It’s raining … again. It’s a nice gentle rain… so I should be happy for the pastures and farmers. The asparagus is going to love it. So is our shrub and tree row. It is also working it’s nice gentle way into my office under the computer desk. Why anyone would finish a wall without making sure it was sealed is beyond me. Frankly it’s amazing how the water can work it’s way through the seam between the wall…which is poured cement and the floor which is also poured cement. Probably didn’t come through to start with. But with time the ground has shifted and put pressure on the seams. Water is insidious in it’s quest to go where it wants to.
I’m frankly fed up with mud.
I was supposed to have clients coming today. I don’t know about the gravel/dirt roads now. Nor about that driveway… if it’s driven on now before it get’s packed again it’s going to be a mud slosh bog. Not to mention wet soggy dogs outside. They have so much hair that they don’t get wet down to their skin. They also have huge houses that they can hang out in all day and play if they want..
On the bright side… it’s not a nasty dangerous storm like the day before yesterday.
WOW, that was a light show, complete with driving rain, hail, tornadoes, lightening strikes, and electrical outages. I would wager lightening hit a transformer. It knocked out a big area...miles in diameter. The electric company out here is pretty good about getting the power back on. I do believe I want a generator out here though. We’ve been fortunate in the winter to have no power outages. If we do the water lines will freeze. Not to mention not being able to run the pump for water in the first place. The entire whelping house will be in here with the wood stove. I’d really like a couple of solar panels hooked to a heating system for the whelping house. Some for the dog runs as well as for the big yard lights. The house too. Be nice to have heat without worrying about banking the wood stove at night or powerlines snapping in the wind and snow… oh what’s that word. BLIZZARDS! We generally have several a season. This past season it was one on top of the other.
I am so ready for some nice warm sunny days… not totally blistering heat… yes I know that’s coming. But some nice warm sunny days…
without the wind blowing at gale force.
Nice gentle breezes please.
Ok I’ll quit whining for a minute or 2, maybe. 3 new ducks joined our barnyard family yesterday. A Rouen drake, pekin hen, and a buff hen. I put them in with the baby geese. At this point they are about the same size.
Gotta go let the house dogs back inside. I put them out to potty… they are probably soggy stinkers by now.
Got some great photos after the storm… Check the
Robbins Run Ranch blog...some fun pics of the critters too... enjoy...
Life is a journey... sometimes there are mudpuddles on the trail... Mary E. Robbins
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