Yesterday we, as in my husband, David and I received a bit of the worst behavior from a person I had not spoken with, nor had contact with since the last spate of nasty letters. Last time it was in email form right about the same time of year. Actually in her previous attack she waited until after Thanksgiving to start her tirade. This tirade took place in 2005; while I was recovering from prolonged life threatening illness and the resulting major surgery. Frankly it caught me totally off guard, and I made the mistake of trying to have a reasonable conversation with her.
Major mistake; it is impossible to have a reasonable conversation with a person that is totally unreasonable. Previously as in this time there were no conversations leading up to her irrational attack. Just the attack; and the resulting emotional turmoil.
This time, as in last time, she requested that I keep her tirade a secret. Foolishly last time I did not publish her behavior. In keeping her secret I inadvertently enabled her to repeat her behavior without fear of exposure. I foolishly thought by simply having no contact with this person I could avoid her abusive behavior. I was wrong.
One of my friends asked me a very valid question; and suggested a course of action. “Why should you be complicit in her abuse of you? I'd publish the letter verbatim and give her full credit.” She was right, by keeping her secret I was being complicit.
I thought about this throughout the day and following night. I reread the tirade. Starting to think oh well let it go maybe it will go away. No it won’t it escalates. Sadly this seems to be typical behavior in people on the receiving end of abuse. Myself included.
That maybe it will change, or maybe it will go away or they didn’t really mean to be abusive. Whether it’s verbal, emotional, or physical abuse; it does not just go away. By the way, they did mean it. Every bit of it.
By keeping her “secret” I put myself in the position of victim to her abuse. No thank you. I will not empower this abusive person. Just as I am responsible for my words and actions. She is responsible for her words and actions.
Here is her hateful libelous abuse in her own handwriting. With my response following.
What she says in her irrational rant is untrue. Yes, I can prove that her tirade is untrue.
This hateful person’s name is:
Susan Dennis
2317 East C Street
Torrington, WY 82240
If you have dealings with this person. Keep in mind that the person you are really dealing with; behind the smiling mask, is the person that wrote the following hateful letter.
Sadly this ranting person is my youngest step-son’s mother-in-law.
I refuse to be the victim: to her abusive bullying behavior. Oh and by the way. No I will not be baited into a physical confrontation.
Her unprovoked irrational attack makes me concerned for my son and daughter-in-law.
The truly sad thing is that our wonderful son has Huntingtons. We love him very much. He always has been and always will be welcome in our home.
There is also a comment regarding my mother. My mother’s home burned to the ground in April of this year. It was a total loss. This home had been in our family for over 100 years. No there was no insurance. My mom lost everything in this fire, home, personal property, family photos, her beloved pets. She has since been living with us. As a result of the stress of the fire she has lost the ability to transfer herself from wheel chair to chair etc. On a bright note she is now able to move her feet, so we have high hopes that she will be able to stand again. She is 82 years of age.
Right click on the photo and open it, in a new tab, or new window, and it will enlarge to full size. I scanned her letter so there could be no question as to the author of said disturbed missive.
Page one of Susan Dennis's irrational abusive tirade:
My Response:
Enough! I will not keep your secret. I will not be your victim!
True enough, this attack has saddened me.
It brings to mind a very difficult transition for my step daughter; Donna. She had a very difficult time adjusting when her father and I were married in 1991. She was a young adult at that time. She has since moved to another city and is raising her two wonderful boys.
I can't help but wonder what the logic behind Susan's attack is. If there is any at all. I have had very little contact with this woman over the years. Frankly I've avoided her like the plague. Who knows perhaps that is part of the problem. In truth I've avoided her because of her behavior. She does not have to like me. If she wants to burn up energy hating me that is her choice. It really makes no difference to me.
However I will not condone her behavior by keeping it secret. I will not allow her to abuse me or victimize me.
I chose to not be a victim. If someone is abusing you. You do not deserve it! It is not your fault. Get help!
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Victim Assistance Online is a reference, resource and networking centre for international victim assistance community, including victim assistance ...
Life is a journey, how you live it is your choice. You can choose to not be a victim!
I choose to not allow a hateful woman steal my dream.
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream in Wyoming
Beautiful Pomeranians
Independent Beachbody Coach: Fighting Obesity One Person at a Time
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