Merry Christmas and all that! Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays, and so on for those of you that celebrate different Holidays and beliefs. Am I totally pc or what?
Actually it’s “or what”. Am I going to explain what I mean by that just now? Ahhhh… let’s see. NO.
So on to the “Christmas” letter…
Seems inconceivable to me that today is December 24th, 2009. The December is amazing to me, then it’s already the 24th, and 2009! How did that happen. I was just 5 yrs old yesterday…..
By the way, I’ll be 50 in February 2010.
There is a saying, “May you live in interesting times”. I know there is more to it than that, and I can not for the life of me remember what proverb it’s out of. Chinese I think. Not sure though. Doesn’t really matter. At any rate it’s ran through my mind repetitively this past year. Usually eliciting a sideways grin and a head shake on my part.
This year has certainly been a year of “interesting times”. It has been a year of testing and growth; intermixed with blessings and love. Ah, such is life. Interesting journey that it is…
My husband, David is doing fine. Still working on the railroad. Translated gone 2/3 of the time. So we make use of the time we do have together. A shared cup of coffee, a good laugh at a movie. Usually on dish in our living room. Since moving out on this ranch, most of our movie time has been in front of the TV; no point in dozing off in the movie theatre. Now there is the truth of it. Sit down to watch a program and snore our way thorough it…lol.
All things considered David is doing well. He is sound asleep as I am writing this. I figure if the man’s body is telling him he needs to sleep. Then he needs to sleep. If that means folks have to wait to visit with him, or he doesn’t run when they call. Then so be it. Frankly I’d rather have him rested and alert when he gets on the train. Much safer for all that way. Some people understand that, some don’t.
2009 Happenings:
January, got on scale. Freaked. 299 lbs. Started working out. Using Hip Hop Abs. Lost over 20 lbs. Then here comes life… full steam ahead. I got off track, on track, ate the track, off track, on track… and so on.
Early in they year. 3 major blizzards. 6 ft and taller snow drifts.
2nd of 3 blizzards; drifts buried the kennel runs. All Poms pulled inside. Not happy campers…they wanted out to play in the snow.
2nd blizzard. End of March. I fell off a 6 ft drift. Wouldn’t have been anything other than another roll in the snow; except, I hyper-extended my left leg. Pulled/sprained/twisted torn from glutes to Achilles. Couldn’t bend knee, wouldn’t support me. Went to see docs, strapped on hinged brace, grabbed the brandy bottle and did what I needed to do. Knee bends now. Whoo Hoo! Rehabbed it through the rest of the spring, the summer and fall.
Early April, buried in 3rd blizzard, wind howling like a banshee. Monster drifts on top of monster drifts. Dogs still inside. Let out for bits of exercise and back inside. Shredding mountains of paper for bedding…
April 14th… sat down after taking care of dogs. Ice pack on knee, David gone on train. Brandy in hand. Turned on the boob tube to watch The Biggest Loser. The bloody phone rang. I tried but I didn’t make it in time. It starts ringing again, I got it, My mom’s neighbor is screaming in the phone “Your Mom’s house is on Fire!” click, she hangs up. I couldn’t believe it. I tried calling her back, no answer. I called my voice mail service. Same message… screaming “Your mom’s house is on fire!” I drove over there; trying not to panic, wondering if she was burned to death. Got there, Fire streaking up into the night sky. The neighbors had broken down the door and dragged mom (Anna) out. She was and still is alive. Confused, paralysis in legs, but alive.
She lives with us now, still isn’t standing or transferring on her own, but she can move her legs. Progress.
Family home of over 100 yrs, total loss. Of course no insurance. Ah…well… It’s just a house… just stuff… It truly amazed me the number of human scavengers that showed up to dig through the rubble. Like a pack of hyenas on a rotting carcass. Frankly it disgusted me as well.
May… I think it was May… Aunt Marty Died. She was a Grand Dame. Loved that woman. She passed on in her 90’s. I miss her, but I wish her well in her new adventure on the other side.
June: Dad came to visit. Pop’s turned 82 in August of this year. He wired my kennel and an out building. I tried to get an electrician to help him, but he would have none of it. I enjoyed watching him. Enjoyed sitting out under the evergreen tree in our front yard in the evenings having coffee and cigars with him. Was a good visit. Pop went back home to Minnesota. He still lives out in the middle of the woods.
August: Uncle Clarence Died. He had been ill for a while and dementia was setting in. Now he is no longer ill, trapped in a deteriorating body.
Sometime this year; can’t remember just when I decided to become involved in Facebook and Twitter. Reconnected with some old friends and acquaintances. Have met some wonderful folks from around the planet. Some which are acquaintances; some which have become very good friends. It has truly been a pleasure. One I hope to continue as our lives unfold.
We had a special treat on Thanksgiving. David was actually able to be home that day and share in the celebration. Usually he is on the train and it looked like he would be once again this year. However providence intervened and he was actually home. Aunt Martha, cousin Linda, David, Mom, Ben, and I enjoyed a day of visiting, watching the parade, dog show, and of course the meal.
It was also a day of realization on my part. I’d been in denial for quite some time as to our youngest son Ben’s physical condition. Unfortunately; it seems he does have Huntingtons. I had hoped upon hope that all three kids… now adults, would avoid that particular genetic twist from their biological mother’s line; but alas that is not to be.
So far the Elder two, Rocky and Donna seem to be fine. I hope that continues to be the case.
Rocky and his family are living in Colorado. Rocky and Crystal are excellent parents and their children are thriving. Rocky is a high school principal. Two of Rocky’s boys are in cub scouts. Busy Busy family. Crystal has been and continues to be a blessing in Rocky’s life.
Donna and her 2 boys are living in Casper Wyoming. Doing fine from what I hear.
Ben, his wife Eve, and their pets live in Gering Nebraska.
So far this winter season we have had a couple of major snowstorms that dropped a couple ft of snow each time. Amazes me that so early in the season and we have already had over 4 ft of snow on this little ranch in the hills. We have had a number of snows since the two early ones in October. The sub zero cold came on early as well. Lasted a couple of weeks and has moved on. Frankly I am hoping that is the end of it for this winter season, but that is not likely the case.
On a very up note, we have not had the howling winds this season. That has truly been a blessing.
We actually did put a bit of a Christmas tree up this year. It’s abt 2 ft tall and sitting on the buffet…lol. Major contrast to the massive decorations we did in town. Perhaps another year will bring more decorations, only time will tell that story.
The day is getting on once again, and I need to start cooking something for supper. All in all it has been a blessed year. There is a roof over our heads, a warm fire in the wood stove, stacks of firewood in the yards, and love in our hearts…
Be well, live in joy…
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Blessed New Year!
David, Mary, Anna, Min Min and the rest of the Happy Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream In Wyoming With Our Pomeranians
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