Wow the great hair off campaign is in full swing. After so many years you would think that I would no longer be amazed at how much coat these little hairballs (alias Pomeranians) put on in the winter. WoW… this past winter had weeks of below or near zero weather and they dressed for it. Good thing it was wicked cold expecially when the wind blew. However it’s so thick that it is not just shedding it’s going to have to be pulled. Slicker brushes, combs, hair rakes, soft bristle brushes, and clippers are a flying. Yes I said clippers I usually don’t do summer cuts but they are getting trims this year. Not real short, my little hairballs do not need sunburns. But a trim up just the same.
It jumped from the 80’s to between 110 and 115 a couple of days ago. So I’m going to be a bit scarce till I get this grooming done. The first big comb out in the spring/summer is always a monster of a job. This Year it is an Olympian event. I thought of that first karate kid movie last night somewhere between 10 and 11 pm as I was finishing up Copper Pudwell. You know the fence painting and the wax on wax off… he he… with me it’s brush brush, comb comb, clip clip…
Happily it was only in the 80’s yesterday, you know it felt cool in comparison. Felt pretty good.
Pop (my Dad) has been her visiting, and David (my husband) has been on vacation at the same time. Actually that worked out pretty good. They have been able to hang out together and go fishing and such. David tried to brush out one of the dogs a bit yesterday. I was happy that he tried, he helped by dumping and refreshing their water yesterday afternoon. They foul it pretty fast when it’s very warm or hot. They play in it and plop themselves in the water buckets. Frankly I don’t blame them. I would to. But you have to stay on it or it gets nasty in a hurry.
Truth be told, as tired and sore as I am, I’m glad to be able to do this work. The past few years, between west nile, adhesions, and a nasty hysterectomy made it nearly impossible. The hysterectomy really trashed my abdominal muscles. It’s taken a couple of years but they are getting stronger, and stronger. Decent abs make such a huge difference over all. Especially in your back. Wow!
On the muscle regeneration/healing/development/healing note… I learned this past week that a drug that I was taking to help with muscle spasms. Get this… let’s see how did they word that. Oh yeah… paradoxically can cause muscle degeneration.
Let’s see…hmmmm… I was (note the was) taking a drug to help me work through the process of repairing and building up my muscle structure and one of it’s side effects is … DESTROYING MY MUSCLE STRUCTURE!!! Get this that nice little side effect was not listed in the initial side effect information that comes out with a new prescription either.
Added benefit of this particular drug. One of many I might add… is deterioration in your vision, swelling, eye redness/irritation/infection. A couple of weeks ago I went into the doctor because my face looked like a swelled up melon and was red as a stop sign. Eyes were nearly solid red. By the way having your skin turn yellow is another side effect.
This particular drug is Skelaxin. In truth it makes a difference in muscle spasms. In the long run it does more damage than good.
FDA approved all right… this will be the last time I take a drug and trust that the required explanation that comes out from the pharmacy is enough information.
I’m glad I was taking some good quality vitamins/minerals. Scary to think what it would have done to me without them. I wonder just how many people are taking prescription drugs. Trusting their doctors and pharmacies that what they are being prescribed is actually a good thing, when in fact it is making them sicker and in some cases actually killing them.
Life is a journey… sometimes it’s a heat hair storm… Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs