Saturday, September 01, 2012

August 2012: 2 pound net weight loss

With the losses and the bounces in weight... I came out with a 2 pound net loss for August 2012. This makes 4 months of consecutive weight loss.

In the past I would rapidly lose 10 or 20 lbs... then regain 30 or even 40.

This time I am gradually taking excess fat off my body. I did think I would be dropping weight faster than this... but then I have not been doing any intense cardio either. J

ust walking, working, and riding the stationary bike.

I need to add in some Hip Hop Abs and/or Turbo Jam... keeping it low impact is a must... and I can adjust both of those to low impact... well keeping it low impact is a must if I intend to continue being able to walk... so yes I would say it is a must.

Even the tread mill is questionable with my right knee. I took the speed up too high and the knee went. So I'll just keep it slower and gradually rebuild the muscles around the knee. Twisting steps are a problem as well. Tends to pull the knees out of alignment... If I'm careful I think I can do the Hip Hop Abs... I am sure Turbo jam would work for me. I will stick with the lightest level and pace myself.

Seriously do not need to re-injurer myself.

Well here is cheers to 2 pounds net loss... I would have rather it have been 20... but hey I'll take the 2 pounds... yeah!
 Life is a journey... one breath... one step... one day at a time...
Mary E. Robbins

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