Hi Folks…
I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying some spring weather. Yes I know I’m probably jumping the gun on the weather … but it is beautiful here today. I actually have a dry spot in my yard. YAY! It’s been a long cold wet stretch for here.
We’ve had snow on the ground since before Christmas. My little P.T. Cruiser has had a long sit. I am still cautious of trying to get it down the driveway. At this point is climb up into the ford 4 wheel drive and buck out to the road… that old truck is pretty good close to home. But isn’t good for deliveries. So it’s wait till the driveway drives up before meeting my dog clients anywhere. Well anywhere other than here… I can get out with the truck and bring them in… never thought I’d be off roading in my own driveway…lol… the driveway is between 1/8 and ¼ mile long.
Puppies are doing great… I’ve soooooo got to get some pictures taken. Beautiful babies… and oh my the coats my young adults and adults have put on through this winter. They are so beautiful that they just amaze me…
It’s getting easier to take care of my happy hairballs so I should be able to get some photos taken. By the time I got done with chores I was totally exhausted through this winter weather. So… no photos… just didn’t have it in me.
Made it 20 minutes on the elliptical. Just started on that again. The weather did that in as well… I was coming in from chores and collapsing in a chair. I am soooooo behind on office work…yuck… ok… must be done … I’m down to a narrow path to my desk.
Gotta run… have a great week…
Life is a journey...enjoy the trip...Mary E. Robbins & The Hairballs
5936 Road 52 Box 67
Huntley WY, 82218
mountain standard time
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