I saw it there, and it felt funny, but I just figured it was a fat blob.
I had been working on strengthening my abdominal muscles, and did not realize what the hernia was. My previous family physician changed positions so a new doctor came into the office. She is a very thorough person and found this hernia on my annual visit.
When she first told me I said I would just wear a belt. Figuring that strengthening my abdominal muscles more would correct the problem. You know, I just figured I had to work harder to make it “all better”.
I came home a bit rattled from that appointment, especially since she told me to not lift anything over 20 pounds. Mind you I had just unloaded 2000 pounds of feed in 50 pound bags.
I got online and did some research. Much to my chagrin I discovered that I could not “fix” it by working out. It seems that when you have a hernia, the more you strengthen the surrounding muscles the more it pulls apart.
I called the doc back and had her office make the necessary appointments so I could get this thing fixed.
Then I got angry. I had been telling my previous physician for 4 year that there was a pulling sensation throughout my abdominal region. Not once had she checked it over. I was angry at myself too, for not realizing what it was and seeking another opinion.
As it stands, it all worked out for the best. There is no way I could have taken care of my invalid mother, or the kennels, on my own after this surgery. So the timing worked out well, my husband is on vacation now and is taking care of the kennels for me. As well as helping to take care of me.
My mother is living in a wonderful adult living facility, with a staff of nurses, and aides to take care of her; and has a room-mate that she is very good friends with. Receiving better care than I had been able to give her the year she lived with us.
2010 definitely had it’s challenges. I thought of listing them… lol… but it sounds like something out of a murphy’s law soap opera.
I am still here, looking into this coming phase of our lives. My husband and I have been together since late 1990, married since October 1991. For the most of this time he has been gone on the train working. This spring he is retiring from the railroad, so rather than being together ¼ of the time and on the road the rest of the time… we are heading into a new time of being together much more of the time.
I am sure there will be adjustments and such. But am looking forward to actually being able to enjoy some time together.
So here is to the next phase of our lives… It’s been an interesting ride so far…
Life is a Journey, enjoy the trip
Mary E. Robbins
Robbins Run Ranch